How Rhetoric and
Match Up

Bill Sargent, Mark Mansius, and John Gay all ran for Congress in the 2012 Republican Primary. They became friends and have been writing weekly columns for the Galveston County Daily News
since May 2013. |
June 10, 2013
First, by way of background:
Conference Committees: When the House and Senate have passed similar but different bills, they call for a “conference” in which members from both chambers are represented. In this committee they attempt to work out the differences in the two bills. Then the “conferenced” bill is sent to both the chambers for final approval and then to the President.
Filibuster and Reconciliation: In the Senate any member can filibuster by being recognized and then refusing to relinquish the floor. Only when 60 senators vote to cut off debate can a filibuster be stopped. The Senate rules are different when a budget is considered under the reconciliation procedure. Debate is limited to 20 hours. Period! Amendments must be germane, and it only takes a simple majority to approve (51 votes, and the Democrats currently have 55 seats).
In May, Senator Cruz was attempting to block the appointment of conferees on the budget reconciliation bill because he wanted the Republicans to have a voice in the process. His goal was to get agreement from the Democrats that sixty votes would be needed for passage, thus requiring the support of at least five Republicans. In a speech on the Senate floor Cruz made an interesting statement:
“Here is the dirty little secret…” there are some Republicans who would like to cast a symbolic vote against raising the debt ceiling while allowing the Democrats to raise it with only 50 votes. “To some Republicans this would be the ideal outcome because they can go to their constituents and say they voted against raising the debt ceiling while still allowing it to go through.” What Senator Cruz was describing is a practice we see all too often in Washington, telling half-truths and not being honest.
In last week’s column we talked about the House passage of a Continuing Resolution (CR) that fully funded Obamacare. Shortly thereafter, the House cast a vote to repeal Obamacare. Speaker Boehner explained that, even though the House had voted on similar legislation over thirty times before, he was holding the vote again “because new members had been asking for the opportunity to vote on repeal.”
The vote to repeal Obamacare was symbolic because there is little chance that the Senate will even consider it. Many of the Republicans who voted for the repeal also voted for funding it as part of the CR. So why did they vote for fully funding the implementation, administration and enforcement of Obamacare one week, and then turn around and vote to repeal it? Could the reason be the same thing that Ted Cruz talked about -- so they could go back home and tell their constituents that they voted to repeal the measure – even though they knew full well that their vote to do so had no effect? So this begs the question, “Are our elected representatives being disingenuous?” Where does the hype stop and the real meaning of votes start? Whatever happened to telling the truth and letting the chips fall as they may?
Bill, Mark and John
Mar. 6, 2013: The Congressional Record: How The Texas Delegation Voted on HR 933.
Bill Title: Department of Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013 -- This measure passed the House by a vote of 212 to 197
Discussion: The House Rules Committee rejected an "open rule" (4-9) on this bill. That action prohibited efforts to amend the measure so that ObamaCare could be defunded.
That action meant that Members of Congress needed to make a very tough decision in deciding how to cast their vote.
- Do they vote for legislation that helps protect our military in the midst of sequestration and provides funding through the end of this fiscal year at the current level of funding less the $85 billion in sequestration?
- Do they vote for it knowing that it means that this legislation offers a reasonable chance of passage and approval in the U.S. Senate?
- Do they do this with the full understanding that by doing so ObamaCare will be fully funded?
- OR, do you vote against the legislation because it it does fully fund ObamaCare, a piece of legislation that conservatives oppose?
This is not an easy decision to make because the leadership of the House (the House Rules Committee) did not allow amendments that would defunded ObamaCare. That meant our Congressmen were stuck with an up or down vote. Below is how the Texas Delegation voted. Only two of the Texas Republicans voted against the measure (Louis Gohmert and Steve Stockman).
Member |
District/Party |
In Favor |
Against |
Louis B. Gohmert, Jr |
CD-1 (R) |
Against |
Ted Poe |
CD-2 (R) |
For |
Sam Johnson |
CD-3 (R) |
For |
Ralph M. Hall |
CD-4 (R) |
For |
Jeb Hensarling |
CD-5 (R) |
For |
Joe Barton |
CD-6 (R) |
For |
John Culberson |
CD-7 (R) |
For |
Kevin Brady |
CD-8 (R) |
For |
Al Green |
CD-9 (D) |
Against |
Michael McCaul |
CD-10 (R) |
For |
Mike Conaway |
CD-11 (R) |
For |
Kay Granger |
CD-12 (R) |
For |
Mac Thornberry |
CD-13 (R) |
For |
Randy Weber |
CD-14 (R) |
For |
Ruben Hinojosa |
CD-15 (D) |
Against |
Beto O'Rourke |
CD-16 (D) |
For |
Bill Flores |
CD-17 (R) |
For |
Sheila Jackson Lee |
CD-18 (D) |
Against |
Randy Neugebauer |
CD-19 (R) |
For |
Joaquin Castro |
CD-20 (D) |
For |
Lamar Smith |
CD-21 (R) |
For |
Pete Olson |
CD-22 (R) |
For |
Pete Gallego |
CD-23 (D) |
For |
Kenny Marchant |
CD-24 (R) |
For |
Roger Williams |
CD-25 (R) |
For |
Michael Burgess |
CD-26 (R) |
For |
Blake Farenthold |
CD-27 (R) |
For |
Henry Cuellar |
CD-28 (D) |
Against |
Gene Green |
CD-29 (D) |
Against |
Eddie Bernice Johnson |
CD-30 (D) |
Against |
John Carter |
CD-31 (R) |
For |
Pete Sessions |
CD-32 (R) |
For |
Marc Veasey |
CD-33 (D) |
For |
Filemon Vela |
CD-34 (D) |
Against |
Lloyd Doggett |
CD-35 (D) |
Against |
Steve Stockman |
CD-36 (R) |
Against |