Repealing Obamacare will be an Daunting Task! |
GalvDailyNewsMasthead![]() Bill Sargent, Mark Mansius, and John Gay all ran for Congress in the 2012 Republican Primary. They became friends and have been writing weekly columns for the Galveston County Daily News since May 2013. | |
July 10, 2017 In our January 16th column we predicted that repealing Obamacare was not going to be an easy task. Our prediction seems to be coming true. Many Republicans are becoming very concerned that they need to do something (anything?) or they could very well lose control of the House of Representatives. The Senate was even considering not taking their July 4th recess in order to get their work done (that didn't happen)! Reports are saying there'll be a drastic reduction of the number of people getting healthcare. That's true, but what's not being reported is that a significant number of those people are the young who don't think they need healthcare coverage, and don't want it. Previously we suggested removing all the Obamacare mandates. But not all in Congress agree doing so is a good idea. Part of the problem is that the leadership is trying to put together a "package" deal. As an alternative what if the Senate took up each mandate individually and had a recorded vote on repealing each one? This would require Senators to go on record as either favoring or opposing each mandate. We'd expect there are many senators who'd be reluctant to oppose repealing the individual mandate, while there'd probably be a lot of support for allowing children to continue on their parent's policy until they are 26 years old. It would be also interesting to see who supports the one-size-fits-all kind of coverage verses allowing individuals to pick and choose what coverage they want, need and are willing to pay for. Bill, Mark, and John