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Media Advisory
Statement by Bill Sargent
Candidate for Congress
Mark Manisus: 979-943-4319
Bill Sargent:

December 6, 2017

It has come to my attention that a rumor has been circulating about a situation that arose while I was serving as Chief Deputy Clerk for Elections in Galveston County.  I do not know who started the rumor, but I do know that my opponent made reference to this incident and said it would be made public if I persisted in running against him. He made this threat directly to me on June 24th and again on September 17th of this year.

While I heard after leaving the County's employment that a complaint had been made against me, I was also told Galveston County hired an outside, private law firm which thoroughly investigated and found no merit or basis for taking any action, so the case was closed.  It is unfortunate in this day and age that accusations are taken as truth without being proven.

Regardless of who has been trying to discredit me, doing so demonstrates bad judgment and a lack of character. Whether it is my opponent, his family, one of his supporters, or someone else who is trying to tarnish my reputation, this is a clear incident of politics as usual in which career politicians attempt to distract from the issues by attacking the character of others.

I am not a career politician, and I am running for Congress because I know I can make a difference and get some important things accomplished -- things like getting federal funding for the Ike Dike and bringing relief to recreational fishermen.

I intend to serve as an advocate for this district and the wider Gulf Coast area, and I won’t stop until the job is done! Unlike many of those currently in Congress, however, I am limiting myself to three terms and intend to come home as soon as I’ve accomplished what I set out to do. 

To compare me with my opponent, just look at his record: What has he accomplished?  How many of the bills he has introduced have actually had a hearing?  How many have died in committee with no action?  Has he been ranked among the most effective or ineffective members of Congress? 

In my tenure with Galveston County, I accomplished all the goals I had set when I was hired, including passing all of the county’s election-related legislation in Austin during the 2017 session.  That’s who I am, and what I am about!