November 8, 2017
Veterans Day is upon us. Many in our armed forces have directly risked their lives in the line of fire. All our servicemen and women -- regardless of whether they have ever seen combat -- play an important role in the defense of our nation. All gave some and some gave all.
Meanwhile, medical care through the Veterans Administration is not living up to the needs of those who have served. Some have died waiting for an appointment to see a doctor. This is inexcusable!
When a veteran contacts his government for help, the government should be responsive. Our veterans deserve personal attention. If that means having their Congressman personally picking up the phone to resolve issues then that’s what needs to happen.
We must elect representatives to Washington who will tirelessly advocate for the needs of all of us who are veterans. We need a person who has served in the military representing us and veterans.
Sarge enlisted in the U.S. Navy as a seaman recruit, worked his way through the enlisted ranks, attended Officer Candidate School and retired as a Lieutenant Commander after serving twenty years on active duty and in the Naval Reserve. |